awards 2014
Drs Carol Rolando (left) and Nari Williams.

Scion’s Red Needle Cast and Weed Management research teams were rewarded for their contributions to the forestry sector at the New Zealand Forest Owners Association Conference held in October.

Project Technical Leader Dr Nari Williams, who accepted the Science of International Quality Award on behalf of the RNC pathology team, says the award acknowledges the enormous efforts that the team puts in behind the scenes.

“This award recognises the foundation work in epidemiology, trade risk and disease response to RNC leading to three papers being published earlier this year. While the science team of Margaret Dick, Ian Hood, Judy Gardner, Peter Scott, Lindsay Bulman, Beccy Ganley, Rebecca McDougal, Carol Rolando and I were specifically named, it also recognises the inputs into monitoring, assay development, diagnostics, trials and lab work, and to our improving communications with the industry and technical steering committee over the last six plus years.”

Nari also took home the Contribution to a Science Team Award for her work in leading the ‘Healthy Trees, Healthy Future’ programme on Phytophthora research.

Research Leader Carol Rolando accepted the Communication and Sector Engagement Award on behalf of the Weed Management Team, including Loretta Garret, Mike Watt and Brenda Baillie, in recognition for their excellence in science communications and focus on delivering high quality science with operational relevance.


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