Publication of papers in top science journals maintains Scion’s international standing and visibility as a leading research institute in our focus areas. The 5-year weighted average H-index for Scion publications during the year was 76.36 (up from 70.46 in 2017-18).

During 2018-19 Scion scientists had 144 papers published in peer reviewed publications.
Listed below are the top eight papers based on the journal’s H-index, which is an international measure of the impact of scholarly publications.
Donaldson, L., Cairns, M., & Hill, S. (2018). Comparison of micropore distribution in cell walls of softwood and hardwood xylem. Plant Physiology, 178, 1142-1153.
Yang, L., He, L., Xue, J., Wu, L., Ma, Y., Li, H., ... Zhang, Z. (2019). Highly efficient nickel (II) removal by sewage sludge biochar supported α-Fe2O3 and α-FeOOH: Sorption characteristics and mechanisms. PLoS ONE, 14(6), [e0218114].
Gomez Gallego, M., Gommers, R., Bader, M. K., & Williams, N. M. (2019). Modelling the key drivers of an aerial Phytophthora foliar disease epidemic, from the needles to the whole plant. PLoS One, 14(5), [e0216161].
Hunter, S., Williams, N., McDougal, R., Scott, P., & Garbelotto, M. (2018). Evidence for rapid adaptive evolution of tolerance to chemical treatments in Phytophthora species and its practical implications. PLoS ONE, 13(12), [e0208961].
Li, Y., & Dungey, H. (2018). Expected benefit of genomic selection over forward selection in conifer breeding and deployment. PLoS ONE, 13(12), [e0208232].
Telfer, E., Graham, N., Macdonald, L., Sturrock, S., Wilcox, P., & Stanbra, L. (2018). Approaches to variant discovery for conifer transcriptome sequencing. PLoS ONE.
Li, Y., Dungey, H., Carson, M., & Carson, S. (2018). Genotype by environment interaction for growth and Dothistroma resistance and clonal connectivity between environments in radiata pine in New Zealand and Australia. PLoS ONE, 13(10), [e0205402].
Peixoto, L., Allen, G., Ridenbaugh, R., Quarrell, S., Withers, T., & Sharanowski, B. (2018). When taxonomy and biological control researchers unite: species delimitation of Eadya parasitoids (Braconidae) and consequences for classical biological control of invasive paropsine pests of Eucalyptus. PLoS ONE, 102(8), 1566-1573.