Upcoming events
28 - 30 October 2015, Scion, Rotorua
The 10th anniversary of MapNet will be hosted by Scion and Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC). MapNet is a collective of New Zealand-based researchers from organisations involved in gene mapping.
A key driver for MapNet is the co-ordination of scientists from disparate sectors working with common technologies to foster the development of multidisciplinary and cross-sector teams.
Further information will be made available once details are finalised. For more information, please contact Show email

Forest Genetics for Productivity Conference
14-18 March 2016, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Scion is proud to host an IUFRO Division 2 (Physiology and Genetics) conference in 2016. The five-day conference includes a full day field trip, partner programme and a post-conference tour to the South Island, which finishes in Queenstown. Research topics for the conference are:
• Breeding productive and resilient forests
• Finding the synergies in genotype, environment and silviculture
• Genomics and phenomics.
This conference is for academics, molecular and quantitative geneticists, silvicultural scientists interested in genetics, scientists interested in forest health, national, regional and international governmental organisations and industry stakeholders, as well as geneticists from sectors outside forestry.
Anyone who is interested in open dialogue on how to maximise productivity as well as those interested in the application of new technologies, particular genomics and remote sensing, to the development of genetically improved trees, should attend.
For more information go to www.fgpc2016.nz [link no longer valid]