Event Name Packaging Workshop
Start Date Jul 7, 2016
End Date Jul 7, 2016
Duration 1 day

Packaging workshop

Effective use of packaging has the potential to add value to product sales. This can be via better supply chain management, shelf life extension and monitoring, but also through giving consumers a more satisfying experience.

The Ahead of the Pack Workshop will increase your awareness of how use packaging to your advantage and develop its value.

The topics covered will include global trends in packaging design, material development and advanced packaging technologies. It will also include interactive demonstrations of packaging manufacturing processes and provide inspirational ideas how to develop new innovations using these processes. Methods to validate new materials on bench and pilot scales will also be presented.

Please Note: As this workshop is part of the programme of workshops for the NZIFST conference, registration should go through the conference website http://www.nzifst.org.nz/conf_registration.asp.

The workshop will be held at Scion, Sala Street, Rotorua.

Download the flyer for more information [197 kB PDF]