Make wood not love

Plant biotechnologist Agnieszka Boron entered a video competition for early career researchers little realising her video would come third.
In her video ‘Make Wood Not Love’, Aga talks about her research into conifer sterility and explains how she and the rest of Scion’s plant biotransformation team intend to tackle the problem in “180 Seconds of Science”.
“Short term control methods like spraying are not solving the wilding conifer issue,” says Aga. “Wildings threaten over 1.8 million hectares of fragile ecosystems throughout New Zealand, and sterile conifers will be a long-term solution to the problem.”
Aga is seeking to identify and regulate the genes that control fertility in conifers, enabling forest owners to grow trees without the worry of having to control wildings. This will ensure that forestry can live in harmony with New Zealand’s unique native ecosystems.
“It’s great to have this chance to share my research with a bigger audience,” says Aga.
The competition was organised by the Royal Society of New Zealand partnered with MBIE and the Australian Academy of Science, to provide an opportunity for early career researchers in both countries to share their passion for science.
Aga entered in the “Science across the Ditch” category and came third in the People’s Choice award. You can watch Aga’s video at:
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Contact Agnieszka Boron at
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