Campus upgrade underway

The first stage of Scion's Rotorua campus upgrade is now complete.

The refurbished top floor of the 1700m² multi-storey building was opened in early February. The design includes a feature wall of plywood panels made with Scion’s Ligate, a environmentally friendly bioadhesive made with renewable resources.

The next phase of the upgrade will see the ground floor refurbished, creating new space for tenants and Scion staff. This is scheduled for completion in September. The new ‘Innovation Hub’ building is also expected to be started then.

Chief Executive Dr Julian Elder, says, "The centre of the redevelopment is an innovation hub for forestry, manufacturing and energy innovation, which is currently in the design phase.

The hub will support district and regional economic development, and spill over to national benefits.

"For Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park tenants, the campus redevelopment will provide shared spaces for growing businesses, government, opportunities for industry to collaborate and co-innovate, testing facilities, laboratories and modern, fit-for-purpose working spaces for staff. The three-year development is the largest at Scion for many years."

The Innovation Hub will also provide a space for the public to engage more closely with Scion’s work, the forestry industry and the value that forests can bring to New Zealand.

For further information on the campus upgrade contact

Rob Trass


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