Wood in super resolution

A stunning image in normal resolution (top) vs super-resolution of a Douglas fir wood cell showing details of the cell wall.

A protocol for super-resolution imaging of xylem cell walls using sophisticated microscopy techniques has been developed by Scion scientist Dr Lloyd Donaldson.

In a recent paper the developed protocol provided remarkable new details of wood cell wall structural features and demonstrated nanoscale variations in
lignification and cell wall porosity.

Donaldson is an internationally recognised expert in capturing images of the cell structure of plants and plant anatomy. He has pioneered techniques in confocal fluorescence imaging of wood and biomaterials, with his methods forming a part of researcher toolboxes globally.

The techniques he has perfected, however, go well beyond great looking images. His expertise has allowed him and many other researchers to better understand the structure and function of wood, plant diseases, historical samples and numerous other materials.

Original paper in open access: https://plantmethods.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13007-022-00865-3

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