Location & contact

General enquiries

Please fill out the contact form below or phone +64 7 343 5899 and we’ll connect you with the right person.

If you know the member of staff you would like to contact see our directory or email using the format firstname.lastname@scionresearch.com.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Direct enquiries

Media: Melanie Short

Filming requests at Scion: Melanie Short

Careers: Show email

OIA: Show email

If you know the member of staff you would like to contact see our directory or email using the format firstname.lastname@scionresearch.com.

Rotorua Head Office

Our head office is located in Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, Titokorangi Drive, Rotorua.

Opening hours

Scion reception: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm.

Scion science exhibition: Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm. Weekends 8am – 3pm.

Eastwood Café: Daily 8am – 3pm. Late night Fridays open until 8pm.


49 Sala Street
Rotorua 3010
(access through secure gate via intercom)

Postal address

Private Bag 3020
Rotorua 3046
New Zealand

Physical address

Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park
Tītokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road)
Rotorua 3010
New Zealand

Phone: +64 7 343 5899


Christchurch Ōtautahi

Postal address

PO Box 29237
Christchurch 8440
New Zealand

Physical address

10 Kyle Street
Christchurch 8011
New Zealand

Phone: +64 3 363 0910


Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Postal address

PO Box 10345, The Terrace
Wellington 6143
New Zealand

Physical address

Level 6
17-21 Whitmore Street
Wellington Central 6011
New Zealand

General Enquiries +64 7 343 5899
Director of Strategic Relationships +64 4 472 1528


Other contacts

Publications: Show email

Technical website issues: Show email

Postmaster: Show email

Inform the domain manager of nuisance email: Show email

Privacy issues: Show email

Complaints: Show email

All Scion staff can be contacted by email using the following format: firstname.lastname@scionresearch.com