Jana Krajňáková

- Phone: +64 7 343 5515
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- Team: Forest Genetics and Biotechnology
- Role: Scientist, Molecular Physiology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jana Krajnakova specialises in different aspects of regeneration of forest tree species using tissue culture and biotechnology approaches with a strong focus on the fundamental physiological and biochemical processes. She has pedagogical experience with lecturing at three different universities in Europe (University of Oulu, Finland, Mendel University of Brno, Czech Republic, University of Udine, Italy) and teaching at the United World College of the Adriatic (Italy). She is an active member of IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party “Somatic Embryogenesis and Other Vegetative Propagation Technologies”.
- Associate Professor in Silviculture, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, Czech Republic - 2007
- PhD (Genetics), Comenius University Bratislava, Czechoslovakia – 1994
- MSc (Molecular Biology and Genetics), Comenius University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia – 1984
Research capabilities
- Tissue culture of forest trees, especially somatic embryogenesis of coniferous species
- Cryopreservation of forest trees
- Bioenergetics of conifers somatic embryogenesis and the involvement of mitochondria in the programmed cell death
- Vegetative propagation of coniferous species using organ culture and cuttings.
Career highlights
- Research Leader, Propagation, Scion 2017 - present
- Visiting researcher and lecturer at the University of Oulu, Finland, 2014 - 2017
- Marie Curie fellow (COFUND, SoMoPro programme) - Mendel University of Brno, Czech Republic, 2010 2014
- Research scientist and lecturer, University of Udine Italy, 2003 - 2010
- Research scientist, National Forest Centre, Forest Research Institute Zvolen, Slovakia, 1986 - 2003
Selected papers
Peer-reviewed publications:
[1] ĐORĐEVIĆ, B., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., HAMPEL, D., GÖMÖRY, D., HAVEL, L. (2017) Effects of cadmium and lead stress on somatic embryogenesis of coniferous species. Part I: Evaluation of the genotype- dependent response. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (39): 140
[2] ĎURKOVIČ, J., ČAŇOVÁ, I., JAVORÍKOVÁ, L., KARDOŠOVÁ, M., LAGAŇA, R., PRIWITZER, T., LONGAUER, R., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (2016) The Effects of Propagation Techniques on Leaf Vascular Strategy, Modulus of Elasticity and Photosynthetic Traits in Micropropagated and Grafted Plants of the Dutch Elm Hybrid 'Dodoens'. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 141(4):351-362.
[3] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ J, HÄGGMAN H (2016) Somatic Embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica Loud. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1359: 417-430.
[4] ĎURKOVIČ J, KAČÍK F, MAMOŇOVÁ M, KARDOŠOVÁ M, LONGAUER R, KRAJŇÁKOVÁ J (2015) The Effects of Propagation Techniques on Cell Wall Chemistry and Wood Anatomy in Micropropagated and Grafted Plants of the Dutch Elm Hybrid 'Dodoens'. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 1409(1): 3-11.
[5] ĎURKOVIČ, J., KAČÍK, F., OLČÁK, D., KUČEROVÁ, V., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (2014) Host responses and metabolic profiles of wood components in Dutch elm hybrids with a contracting tolerance to Dutch elm disease. Annals of Botany 114: 47-59
[6] HÄGGMAN, H., SUTELA, S., EDESI, J., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., BERTOLINI, A., VIANELLO, A., RYYNANEN, L., ARONEN, T. (2014) Evaluation of Genetic Fidelity Following Long Term Cryopreservation of Coniferous Forest Tree Species of the Family Pinaceae. II International Symposium on Plant Cryopreservation, Acta Horticulturae Vol. 1039, 121-126.
[7] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., BERTOLINI, A., ZORATTI, L., GÖMÖRY, D., HÄGGMAN, H., VIANELLO A., (2013) Changes in ATP, glucose-6-phosphate and NAD(P)H cellular levels during the proliferation and maturation phases of Abies alba Mill. embryogenic cultures. Tree Physiology 33, 1099-1110
[8] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., BERTOLINI, A., GÖMÖRY, D., VIANELLO A., HÄGGMAN, H. (2013) Initiation, long-term cryopreservation, recovery of Abies alba Mill. embryogenic cell lines. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant. DOI 10.1007/s11627-013-9512-1
[9] ĎURKOVIČ, J., ČAŇOVÁ, I., LAGAŇA, R., KUČEROVÁ, V., MORAVČÍK, M. PRIWITZER, T., URBAN, J., DVOŘÁK, M., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (2013) Leaf trait dissimilarities between Dutch elm hybrids with a contrasting tolerance to Dutch elm disease. Annals of Botany 111:215-227
[10] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., NIEMI, K., GÖMÖRY, D., HÄGGMAN, H. (2012) Effects of different ectomycorrhizal fungi on somatic embryogenesis of Abies cephalonica Loud. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 109:353-361
[11] ZANCANI, M., BERTOLINI, A., PETRUSSA E., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ J., PICCOLO, A., SPACCINI, R., VIANELLO A. (2011) Fulvic acid affects proliferation and maturation phases in Abies cephalonica embryogenic cells. Journal of Plant Physiology 168:1226-1233
[12] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. SUTELA, S., ARONEN, T., GÖMÖRY, D., VIANELLO, A., HÄGGMAN, H. (2011) Long-term cryopreservation of Greek fir embryogenic cell lines: Recovery, maturation and genetic fidelity. Cryobiology 63(1):17-25
[13] PETRUSSA, E., BERTOLINI, A., CASOLO, V., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., VIANELLO, A., MACRI, F. (2009) Mitochondrial bioenergetics linked to the manifestation of programmed cell death during somatic embryogenesis of Abies alba. Planta 231:93-107
[14] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., HÄGGMAN, H., GÖMÖRY, D. (2009) Effect of sucrose concentration, polyethylene glycol and activated charcoal on maturation and regeneration of Abies cephalonica somatic embryos. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 96(3):251-262
[15] ZANCANI, M., PETRUSSA, E., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., CASOLO, V., SPACCINI, R., PICCOLO, A., MACRÌ, F., VIANELLO, A. (2009) Effect of humic acids on phosphate level and energetic metabolism of tobacco BY-2 suspension cell cultures. Environmental and Experimental Botany 65(2-3):287-295
[16] PETRUSSA, E., CASOLO, V., PERESSON, C., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., MACRI, F., VIANELLO, A. (2008) Activity of a K+ATP channel in Arum spadix mitochondria during thermogenesis. Journal of Plant Physiology 165: 1360-1369
[17] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., GÖMORY, D., HÄGGMAN, H. (2008) Somatic embryogenesis in Greek fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:760-769
[18] PETRUSSA, E., BERTOLINI, A., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., CASOLO, V., MACRI, F., VIANELLO, A. (2008) Isolation of mitochondria from embryogenic cultures of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Abies cephalonica Loud.: characterization of a K+ATP channel. Plant Cell Reports 27: 137-146.
[19] VIANELLO, A., ZANCANI, M., PERESSON, C., PETRUSSA, E., CASOLO, V., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., PATUI, S., BRAIDOT, E., MACRÌ, F. (2007) Plant mitochondrial pathway leading to programmed cell death. Physiologia Plantarum 129(1): 242-252
[20] CASOLO, V., PETRUSSA, E., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., VIANELLO, A., MACRI, F. (2005) Involvement of the mitochondrial K+ATP channel in H2O2- or NO-induced programmed cell death of soybean suspension cell cultures. J. Exp. Botany 56(143): 997 – 1006
[21] HÄGGMAN,H.M., JOKELA, A., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., KAUPPI, A., NIEMI, K., ARONEN, T.S. (1999) Somatic embryogenesis of Scots pine: cold treatment and characteristics of explants affecting induction. J. Exp. Botany 50 (341): 1769-1778.
[22] ARONEN, T.S., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., HÄGGMAN, H.M., RYYNÄNEN, L.A. (1999) Genetic fidelity of cryopreserved embryogenic cultures of open-pollinated Abies cephalonica. Plant Science (142): 163-172.
[23] HÄGGMAN, H.M., RYYNÄNEN, L.A., ARONEN, T.S., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (1998) Cryopreservation of embryogenic cultures of Scots pine. Plant, Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (54): 45-53.
[24] NIEMI, K., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., HÄGGMAN, H. (1998) Interaction between ectomycorrhizal fungi and embryogenic Scots pine calli in dual culture, Mycorrhiza (8): 101 107.
[25] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (1997) Callogenesis of anther cultures of Ulmus glabra HUDS. Lesnictvi Forestry 43(3): 110-116.
[26] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., KOVALČÍK, M. (1996) Assessment of the response of Douglas fir embryocultures derived from various seed lots. Forestry Journal 42(1): 1-12.
[27] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., LONGAUER, R. (1996) Culture initiation, multiplication and identification of in vitro regenerants of resistant hybrid elms. Lesnictvi Forestry, 42(6): 261 270.
[28] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., GREGUSS, L. (1992) Micropropagation of resistant elm cultivars using the organ cultures. Acta Instituti Forestalis Zvolensis 8, 9 20.
[29] CHLEPKO, V., TOMKOVA, E., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (1991) To the problems of autovegetative propagation of common spruce (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) in immission regions. Vedecke prace VULH Zvolen, 15 27.
[30] TOMKOVA, E., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., STEINHUBEL, G. (1987) The Results of Quantitative and Morphological Analysis of Vegetatively Propagated Spruce Stock to be planted in the Area of the Slovak Beskids with Air Pollution Stress. Lesnictvi - Forestry 33 (6): 551 – 558.
[31] MIKLOVIČOVÁ, M., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J. (1987) Study of Dedifferentiation and Morphogenesis in Pseudotsuga menziesii (MIRB.) FRANCO in vitro. Acta F.R.N. Univ. Comen. Genetica XVIII, 23 33.
[32] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., MIKLOVIČOVÁ, M. (1986) Study of Isolated Picea abies (L.) Karst. Embryos in a Culture In Vitro. Acta Facultatis Forestalis XXVIII, 33 45.
Book chapters and books:
[1] VONDRÁKOVÁ, Z., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., FISCHEROVÁ, L., VÁGNER, M., ELIÁŠOVÁ, K. (2016) Physiology and role of Plant growth regulators in somatic embryogenesis. In: PARK, YS., BONGA, JM., MOON, HK. (eds.) Vegetative Propagation of Forest Trees. National Institute of Forest Science. Seoul, Korea, pp.123-169 (http://www.iufro20902.org/Vegetative%20Propagation%20of.pdf)
[2] BERTOLINI, A., PETRUSSA, E., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., VIANELLO, A., (2015) Determinazione di ATP, glucosio-6-fosfato, NAD(P)H durante l’embriogenesi somatica di conifere al fine di migliorarne l’efficienza riproduttiva. In: MICHELI, M., CABONI, E., LAMBARDI, M. AND MONTICELLI, S. (eds.) Colture in vitro: note di laboratorio. Societa di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana, pp.169-171, ISBN 978-88-940276-3-1, in Italian language
[3] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., BERTOLINI, A., VIANELLO, A., HÄGGMAN, H. (2015) Rigenerazione di piante di Abies cephalonica Loud. attraverso embriogenesi somatica. In: MICHELI, M., CABONI, E., LAMBARDI, M. AND MONTICELLI, S. (eds.) Colture in vitro: note di laboratorio. Societa di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana, pp.172- 175, ISBN 978-88-940276-3-1, in Italian language
[4] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ, J., GÖMORY, D., HÄGGMAN, H. (2014) Biotechnology Tools for Conservation of the Biodiversity of European and Mediterranean Abies species. In: AHUJA, M.R. and RAMAWAT KG (eds.) Biotechnology and Biodiversity, series: Sustainable Development and Biodiversity, Vol. 4, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-09380-2
[5] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ J, HÄGGMAN H, PETRUSSA E, BERTOLINI A, VIANELLO A, HAVEL L (2013) Somatic embryogenesis of conifers. Fundamental Methods. Mendel University in Brno, Brno, pp. 56, ISBN 978-80-7375-785-4
[6] ĎURKOVIČ J., KRAJŇÁKOVÁ J. (2010) Mikropropagácia drevín v podmienkach in vitro. (In vitro micropropagation of trees). Technická univerzita, Zvolen, pp. 88. ISBN 978-80-228-2118-6, in Slovak language
[7] KRAJŇÁKOVÁ J. (1992) Možnosti uplatnenia explantátových kultúr v šľachtení lesných drevín. (Possibilities of the application of tissue cultures in the breeding of forest trees species). Príroda, Bratislava, pp 137, ISBN 80-07-00534-X, in Slovak language