Nicolas Meurisse

- Phone: +64 7 343 5705
- Mobile: +64 22 359 83 99
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- ORCID: 0000-0002-7457-5398
- Team: Ecology and Environment
- Role: Team Lead, Forest Ecology and Management
Dr Nicolas Meurisse specialises in risk assessment and invasion ecology of forest insects. His research encompasses forest entomology, population modelling and pest management (including monitoring and biological control). Nicolas works closely with the New Zealand Better Border Biosecurity (B3) collaboration, as a Theme Leader for pathway risk management projects.
PhD, Agronomical Sciences and Biological Engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium - 2008
MSc, Agronomical Engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium - 2003
BSc, Agronomical Engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium - 2000
Research capabilities
- Entomology
- Insect chemical ecology
- Pest invasion ecology
- Risk assessment
- Ecological sampling
- Population modelling
- Geospatial modelling and mapping
- Statistical computing of ecological data
- Bayesian network models
Career highlights
- Team Lead, Forest Ecology and Management, 2021-present
- Associate Research Leader, Entomology, 2020
- Associate Editorial Board Member, Biological Invasions, 2019-present
- Senior Entomologist, 2019-present
- Theme Leader - Pathway Risk Management, Better Border Biosecurity (B3), 2018-present
- Entomologist, 2013-2019
Selected papers
Meurisse N, Somchit C, Pawson SM (2021). Bark beetles on pine logs: forecasting winter colonisation dynamics based on trap catches and temperature records. Journal of Pest Science.
Gugliuzzo A, Biedermann PHW, Carrillo D, Castrillo LA, Egonyu JP, Gallego D, Haddi K, Hulcr, Jactel H, Kajimura H, Kamata N, Meurisse N, Li Y, Oliver JB, Ranger CM, Rassati D, Stelinski LL, Sutherland R, Garzia GT, Wright MG, Biondi A. 2021. Recent advances toward the sustainable management of invasive Xylosandrus ambrosia beetles. Journal of Pest Science.
Pawson SM, Kerr JL, Kimberley MO, Meurisse N, Somchit C, Wardhaugh CW. 2021. Large‑scale, multi‑year, phenology modelling of forest insects in Pinus radiata plantations. Journal of Pest Science.
Godefroid M, Meurisse N, Groenen F, Kerdelhué C, Rossi J-P 2019. Current and future distribution of the invasive oak processionary moth. Biological Invasions 22: 523-534.
Sweeney J, Rassati D, Meurisse N, Hurley B, Duan J, Stauffer C, Battisti A 2019. Special issue on invasive pests of forests and urban trees: pathways, early detection, and management. Journal of Pest Science 92: 1-2.
Meurisse N, Rassati D, Hurley B, Brockerhoff E, Haack R 2018. Common pathways by which non-native forest insects move internationally and domestically. Journal of Pest Science 92: 13–27.
Brockerhoff E, Barbaro L, Castagneyrol B, Forrester D, Gardiner B, González-Olabarria J, Lyver P, Meurisse N, Oxbrough A, Taki H, Thompson I, van der Plas F, Jactel H 2017. Forest biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services. Biodiversity and conservation 26: 3005–3035.
Jactel H, Bauhus J, Boberg J, Bonal D, Castagneyrol B, Gardiner B, González-Olabarria J, Koricheva J, Meurisse N, Brockerhoff E 2017. Tree diversity drives forest stand resistance to natural disturbances. Current Forestry Reports, 3: 223–243.
Meurisse N, Pawson S 2017. Quantifying dispersal of a non-aggressive saprophytic bark beetle PloS one, 12: e0174111.
Meurisse N, Hoch G, Schopf A, Battisti A, Grégoire J-C 2012. Low temperature tolerance and starvation ability of Thaumetopoea processionea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae): implications in a context of increasing epidemics. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 14: 239–250.
Groenen F, Meurisse N 2012. Historical distribution of Thaumetopoea processionea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in Europe suggests events of re-colonization. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 14: 147–155.
Meurisse N, Couillien D, Grégoire J-C 2008. Kairomones traps: a tool for monitoring the invasive spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) and its specific predator, Rhizophagus grandis (Coleoptera: Monotomidae). Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 537–548.