Richard Westlake

Richard Westlake (Board Chair) brings more than three decades of leadership and governance experience across a variety of sectors to Scion. He was the establishment Chair for two state-owned enterprises, MetService and Quotable Value, and for six years he served as Deputy Chair at GNS Science. Notable government appointments have included serving as Chair of Better Border Security, and Standards New Zealand. He has contributed to the private and voluntary sectors, having chaired New Zealand Home Loans since 2019 and Hospice New Zealand since 2022. Other roles have included Careerforce Industry Training Organisation, the Dairy Goat Co-operative, Dairy NZ’s predecessor Dexcel Trust, Canterbury Opera and Kiwibank, where he was one of the founding directors. He also owns a governance consultancy that he established over 20 years ago and has worked extensively with the Institute of Directors for much of that time.