Paul Bennett

- Phone: +64 7 343 5601
- Mobile: +64 27 6222265
- Email: Show email
- Team: Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
- Role: Portfolio Leader, Integrated Bioenergy
Dr Paul Bennett is the Portfolio Leader for Integrated Bioenergy. Paul has spent over 30 years working on a range of fuels, biofuels and bioenergy issues. He has worked as an independent consultant, for quasi-government organisations and large corporates developing new technologies and business opportunities in biofuels. Paul and his team at Scion are investigating new economic opportunities in such things as industrial biorefining, bioenergies and bio-based substitutes for petroleum and other declining resources.
- PhD (Chemistry), Birmingham University, United Kingdom -1989
- BSc (Hons) (Chemistry), Birmingham University, United Kingdom -1985
Research capabilities
- Bioenergy and Biofuels commercial implementation
- National energy system modelling
- Strategy and policy development
- Bioenergy and biofuels technology
- Impact of fuel quality on vehicle emission
Career highlights
- Vice-Chair of International Energy Agency Bioenergy, 2007- present
- Board Member of Bioenergy Association (NZ)
- Trustee of National Energy Research Institute (NZ)
- General Manager, Asia Pacific Biofuels, BP
- Chairman, Concawe task groups
Selected papers
Suckling, I. D., De Miguel Mercader, F., Monge, J. J., Wakelin, S. J., Hall, P. W.& Bennett, P. J. (2018). New Zealand Biofuels Roadmap Summary Report: Growing a biofuelled New Zealand. Rotorua, New Zealand: Scion.
Kwon, Y. K., Bazzani, R., Bennett, P. J., Esmilaire, O., Scorletti, P., Morgan, T. D. B., Goodfellow, C. L., Lien, M., Broeckx, W., & Liiva, P. (1999). Emissions response of a European specification direct-injection gasoline vehicle to a fuels matrix incorporating independent variations in both compositional and distillation parameters. SAE Technical Papers.
Kwon, Y., Stradling, R., Heinze, P., Broeckx, W., Esmilaire, O., Martini, G., Bennett, P. J., Rogerson, J., Kvinge, F., & Lien, M. (1999). The effect of fuel sulphur content on the exhaust emissions from a lean burn gasoline direct injection vehicle marketed in Europe. SAE Technical Papers.
Bennett, P. J., Beckwith, P., Bjordal, S. D., & Goodfellow, C. L. (1996). Relative effects of vehicle technology and fuel formulation on gasoline vehicle exhaust emissions. SAE Technical Papers.
Bjordal, S. D., Goodfellow, C. L., Bennett, P.J., & Beckwith, P. (1996). Relative effects of catalyst and fuel formulation on gasoline vehicle exhaust emissions. SAE Technical Papers.