Simeon Smaill

- Phone: +64 3 363 0933
- Mobile: +64 21 266 6305
- Email: Show email
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6242-4931
- Team: Establishing Indigenous Forests
- Role: Portfolio Leader, Establishing Indigenous Forests
Dr Simeon Smaill is a microbial ecologist who specialises in plant-soil-microbe interactions in forest systems. His expertise encompasses exploration of the activity of growth-promoting microbes, biogeochemical cycles, nutrient modelling, improving the efficiency of plant production, and the impacts of climate change. He has a strong publications record (>40 international peer-reviewed papers) in the ecology and management of natural and planted forests, and is frequently invited to present at national and international events. He has a broad international network, engaging with leaders in forestry research in the USA, Canada, Australia and Scandinavia, and also holds an Adjunct Professorship with East China Normal University related to collaborative research into beneficial soil microbial processes in managed ecosystems. Simeon has held a leadership role within Scion since 2013.
- PhD (Microbiology), University of Canterbury, New Zealand -2006
- MSc (1st Class Hons) (Microbiology), University of Canterbury, New Zealand -2001
- BSc (Microbiology), University of Canterbury, New Zealand -1998
Research capabilities
- Microbiology
- Soil science
- Forest ecology and management
- Plant production science
- Climate change research
Career highlights
Developing and delivering science that has helped position microbial interactions as a crucial component of forest health and productivity.