One billion trees programme
The New Zealand Government aims to scale-up afforestation to the level where one billion trees are planted over 10 years.
The one billion trees fund supports increased planting by promoting innovation, research, and workforce initiatives.
Individuals and organisations with research needs or wishing to explore partnerships relating to a one billion trees project are invited to contact Scion.
Scion has been providing science, technology development and evidence-based leadership to the forestry and forest products industries since the 1940s. Our research capabilities span the entire forestry value chain and is underpinned by the imperative to plant the right tree in the right place for the right purpose.
Choosing the right tree
Genetics and breeding. Understanding how tree genetics, breeding, forest management decisions and the growing environment interact is one of Scion’s strengths.
Breeding better trees for information and contacts.
Diversifying commercial forestry. Our research and experience growing exotic and indigenous species, such as tōtara and kauri, in planted forests can guide decisions about which trees to plant to get maximum desired benefits.
Diversifying commercial forestry for information and contacts.
Choosing the right place
Planning new planted forests and reafforestation. Scion simulation software can illustrate and optimise financial and environmental benefits of new forests to help local, regional and national decision makers. Simulations factor in land topography, soil type, local climate, roading, distance to processing sites and ports to model potential income flows and other benefits such as reduced erosion and improved water quality over time.
Information technologies for forestry for information and contacts.
Forest investment framework for information and contacts.
Valuing ecosystem services. Assigning ecosystem services dollar values allows them to be included as variables in simulation software. These values can be used to compare the benefits and negatives of different land use options to make decisions on how land could be best used to benefit the environment, people and communities.
Valuing the forest ecosystem for information and contacts.
Choosing the right purpose
Trees can be planted to provide ecosystem services, high-value timber products and biomass for bio-based manufacturing – the key impact areas of Scion’s research.
Forests and landscapes. Healthy, resilient and permanent forests planted to provide benefits such as sequestering carbon, habitat for wildlife and other indigenous flora and fauna, erosion and flood control, recreation and tourism.
Producing high-value timber products. New technologies to add value to timber, such as ways to modify radiata pine to make it look and behave like tropical hardwood, sawing and drying timber, alternative exotic and native species, and engineered wood products are being developed at Scion. Greater timber use in building and manufacture will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and capture carbon.
Solid wood processing for information and contacts.
Manufacturing bio-based products. New products developed from trees and other biomass sources will enable us to replace petrochemical and other non-sustainable materials. Trees can already be viewed as living factories. Future forests may include short rotation trees specifically grown for energy, trees for fibre that are easier to process, or trees selected to produce high levels of certain chemicals.
Bio-based products and technologies for information and contacts.
Bioenergy for information and contacts.
Protecting forests and people
Decreasing forests’ vulnerability. New Zealand’s planted and indigenous forests are vulnerable to biotic risks, such as pest animals, insects, pathogens and weeds, and abiotic risks like fire, wind, drought and intense rain.
Protecting forests from pests and diseases