Behind the scenes of wildfire research

The smell of smoke lingers in the clothes I’ve yet to unpack from a recent trip to Canterbury, and I can still hear the popping noise of fire racing across crop stubble towards me as the heat blasts my face.

Earlier in March I spent several days on a farm just outside Darfield with Scion’s wildfire research experts as they conducted experimental burns on crop stubble. The experience was, for lack of a better word, memorable.

This research, in partnership with the US Forest Service, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, the University of Canterbury and San José State University, involved testing new theories on how wildfires spread under various conditions. This helps improve operational and community readiness for and response to future events – and enhance firefighter and public safety.

Scion’s team and everyone else involved worked tirelessly to achieve these objectives. There were long, consecutive days of painstaking instrument set-up leading into late afternoon burns – which in turn led to late-night site wrap-ups.

These days were fascinating and educational in equal measure as I learned first-hand what goes on behind the scenes in the wildfire research world. When I wasn’t liaising with journalists and communications specialists from partner organisations, I was pressed into service to hold delicate wires, wrap towers designed to measure wind in fire-proof paper and haul piles of surplus stubble from yet-to-be-burned paddocks in a wheelbarrow. It made an interesting change from my usual day job – and pushed me outside my comfort zone at times.

Thankfully the incredibly knowledgeable researchers involved were willing to answer any question. They were also extremely prepared in terms of equipment. Three drones provided and operated by the University of Canterbury School of Earth and Environment flew at various altitudes above the fires, monitoring and collecting data about fire front spread, flame motion and air temperature and motion above the fires, guided into position by hot boxes on the ground. Fire and Emergency NZ had fire engines on site to provide operational support should a fire escape occur– and the US research team had brought over bespoke in-fire sensors, cameras and LiDAR (light detection and radar), which added another layer of data collection.

A TVNZ reporter was on site covering the burns one day. She and I agreed the preparation and the countdown to ignition resembles that of a rocket launch. Nothing is left to chance.

When the burns eventually happened, they happened fast. All vehicles on-site are parked well away from the flames and facing towards a pre-planned escape route, with all keys left easily accessible on the bonnets, and I can see why. Wildfire moves at an incredible speed.

For each burn, I stood in the ‘black’ – an already-burned paddock that became a safety zone. Even from this distance, the heat was unbelievable. It gave me a new appreciation of what firefighters go through when responding to wildfires.

The teams of researchers calmly went about their business on each burn day, but they’re all too aware what wildfires can do. Safety protocols were strictly enforced: the various teams checked each other regularly to ensure full fire personal protective equipment was worn and visitors weren’t allowed on site without it. There was a constant threat of danger.

For me that brought home the lengths Scion’s wildfire researchers – and those from the partner organisations involved – go to in their drive to better understand wildfire. They’re putting their lives on the line to make us all safer in wildfire incidents, and they should all be recognised for that. They’re the unsung heroes of the wildfire readiness and response world.