New CEO appointed to lead Future Forests Research

4 October 2007

Future Forests Research Ltd (FFR) is pleased to announce the appointment of Russell Dale as Chief Executive Officer for the newly formed management company.

FFR Chair Phil Taylor says that one of Mr Dale’s critical roles as CEO is to bring the industry together to grow the funding base for research that will raise profitability for forest investors and encourage the expansion of forestry in New Zealand.

“Russell brings over 30 years of experience in the forest industry, including senior management positions in Forestry Corporation, Carter Holt Harvey and Kaingaroa Timberlands. We are pleased to have him in this important position, forming a bridge between the industry and researchers to enhance science uptake and value creation,” Mr Taylor says.

Russell Dale believes that FFR is in an exciting position to focus on research that will deliver economic benefits to the forestry sector and to New Zealand in general, particularly in the areas of environmental forestry and harvesting.

“People are becoming more aware of how forestry can benefit the environment and communities in ways that go far beyond timber and fibre production, such as water and air quality and soil protection,” Mr Dale says.

“The time has come for us to more fully understand the ways in which forestry can deliver these multiple benefits, while still making an important contribution to the economy.”

FFR has been formed by the New Zealand forest industry and Crown Research Institute, Scion, to drive increased forestry research activity.

The Foundation for Research, Science and Technology has committed $3 million per year for six years, with the industry contributing $1 million per year for three years.
