Science publications

Scion publishes reports on a broad range of topics from bio-based energy/materials through to forestry science.


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National Forestry Library

The National Forestry Library at Scion contains one of the largest collections of forestry, forest products, biomaterials, and pulp and paper literature in the Southern Hemisphere.

 Cover image of NZJF showing a forest

Scion authored articles in New Zealand Journal of Forestry

Find the open access articles of recently published research from Scion authors. The New Zealand Journal of Forestry is published by the New Zealand Institute of Forestry [external site]


New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science

Scion owns the New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science [external site]
NZJFS past issues can be found here: Volume 1 (1971) to Volume 48 (2018)


Publications for sale

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Scion's newsletters include Scion Connect, Forest Health News

Read the latest issue of Scion Connections or subscribe now

Archived Newsletters: What's New in Forest Research, Wood Processing News, Alternative Treatments for Wood Exports News, Healthy Trees, Healthy Future (HTHF) News, Growing Confidence in Forestry's Future (GCFF) News, and Management of Giant Willow Aphid News